Volunteer Policy

At its meeting in March, the Board approved a Volunteer Policy for the charity, drawn up by our Volunteer Coordinator Alan Jones. The policy was created to emphasise our desire for supporters to be actively involved in running the charity and raising funds. It helps us to ensure that all volunteers will be treated in a fair and consistent way and will help our volunteers understand what support is available to them and what they can expect from us. You can download it from our Policy page here.

There has been a delay in publishing this policy and putting it into action because one of the prerequisites is for us to have suitable insurance. Sorting this out fell to me, but my work and my involvement in the local and national elections in the UK has distracted me, so that’s taken a while to sort out, for which I apologise. The insurance we have been able to secure only covers us in the UK, so for the time being, the volunteer policy only covers volunteers in the UK. We will investigate means of extending this to other countries in the future.

Now that the policy and insurance is in place, we will renew our efforts to recruit a team of volunteers to take PaganAid to the next level. Watch this space.

